速報APP / 健康塑身 / Abbeys Sleepy Time

Abbeys Sleepy Time



檔案大小:73.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Abbeys Sleepy Time(圖1)-速報App

Having trouble sleeping? Need relaxing sounds to help you meditate?

Grandma Abbey says "let me help".

Meditate, Relax, Sleep:

. blue noise, red noise, gray noise, Mains Hum, pink noise, violet noise

. ambient sounds from nature and life

. instrumentals (original and Garage Band)

. sleep/meditation timers up to 2 hours (IAP required)


. count animals or landmarks to focus, sleep or meditate

Abbeys Sleepy Time(圖2)-速報App

. play background sounds and count sheep at the same time for extra effect


. 24 hour Alarm clock using notifications and custom alarms

. works in background mode (set and forget)

. badges to quickly see how many alarms you have coming

. sets 3 alarms back to back to make sure you are awake

. snooze support on wake up notification


. wizard for quick 1 button use

Abbeys Sleepy Time(圖3)-速報App

Note: App not designed to replace your existing alarm clock, but to be used as a convenient travel alarm.

Abbeys Sleepy Time(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad